Our Story. God’s Story.
Connecting Our Story with God’s Story
All of us have a unique story — our collection of life experiences, passions, and goals. But if God is the ultimate author of our story, what’s our part? Explore the resources below on how your story connects to God’s story.
The Bigger Story
Enrollment counselor, Justin Baker, shares his own personal journey with his family, showing how his story connects with God’s bigger story.
Finding Alignment
LAPU Assistant Dean Craig Brewer shares how his story aligns with God’s story.
Dana Wheeldon
Dana Wheeldon, Applied Psychology major, shares how she has experienced her story being integrated into God’s story.
- Dr. Brant Himes reflects on the implications of connecting our educational journeys to the greater plan of God for our lives. Read his essay here.
- Financial aid counselor, Kris Uppendahl, shares a devotional about the power and significance of God’s story for all of humanity. Read the devotion here.
- We asked our students to share how their story connects with God’s story. Read their inspiring stories here.

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