Student Safety
LAPU is committed to campus safety and the personal safety of all students and community members.
U.S. Jeanne Clery Act Information
Per the Clery Act, Los Angeles Pacific University (LAPU) is required to publish the number of alleged crimes reported to campus authorities. 2016 represented the first year that LAPU was required to report these statistics (for the 2015 calendar year) independently from Azusa Pacific University and its main campus. These statistics include all reported activity as defined and required by 20 U.S.C. 1092(f), such as crimes that occurred on campus, in certain non-campus buildings or on property owned or controlled by LAPU, and on public property immediately adjacent to and accessible from the campus.
Annual Security Report
The Annual Security Report also includes other information related to security, including an explanation of the Clery Act, a definition of the enforcement authority of security personnel, details about crime prevention on campus, and more.
You can obtain a copy of the full report through the Office of the President at LAPU, or by reviewing the following document(s) posted online for your convenience:
- 2024 Annual Security Report (PDF)
- 2023 Annual Security Report (PDF)
- 2022 Annual Security Report (PDF)
- 2021 Annual Security Report (PDF)
- 2020 Annual Security Report (PDF)
- 2019 Annual Security Report (PDF)
- 2018 Annual Security Report (PDF)
- 2017 Annual Security Report (PDF)
Note on student safety:
The university will, upon written request, disclose to the alleged victim of any crime of violence (as that term is defined in Section 16 of Title 18, United States Code), or a non-forcible sex offense, the report on the results of any disciplinary proceeding conducted by the university against a student who is the alleged perpetrator of such crime or offense with respect to such crime or offense. If the alleged victim of such crime or offense is deceased as a result of such crime or offense, the next of kin of such victim shall be treated as the alleged victim for purposes of this paragraph.
Reporting a Crime
Although crimes on or near the LAPU campus rarely occur, if you wish to report such a crime, the contact details for the relevant personnel and agencies can be found below:
Campus Security Authorities
The Campus Security Authorities (CSAs) operate in partnership with the Campus Safety Officer (CSO) for all emergency situations on campus. The CSO reports to the Executive Vice President/Chief Operating Officer who reports to the President. Incident reports and documentation taken by CSAs are submitted to the CSO who assists in preserving public peace and order and serves to protect LAPU students, personnel, and property from crime and safety hazards. Crime reports are kept in confidence in the Office of the President (OP) by the Clery Compliance Officer. LAPU’s Campus Security Authorities Policy is housed in the OP.
- Clery Compliance Officer: (626) 268-0321
- Lead Title IX Coordinator: (626) 268-0291
- Administrative Professional: (626) 268-0283
- Assistant Dean, Student Support: (626) 268-0301
- Director of Enrollment: (626) 495-2808
- Director of Student Success: (626) 495-2868
Campus Safety Officer
Email: safety@lapu.edu | Phone: (626) 268-0274
Los Angeles County Sheriff’s Department
San Dimas Station: (909) 450-2700

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