Los Angeles Pacific University building with trees.

Celebrating 10 Years Online!

Rich Heritage, New Purpose

While we trace our heritage back to 1903 (and APU to 1899), we launched our first classes as a 100% online university on August 23rd, 2011. For 10 years, LAPU has been innovating online education to remain among the most flexible, affordable, and student care-focused universities in the nation.

You can also visit the Our History page for the full history.

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Celebrating a Decade of Hope

For more than a decade, LAPU has been living out its mission to create for people a
new hope for the future by investing in lives through learning pathways that are
Christ-centered, flexible, and accessible. “A Decade of Hope” points to the story of
a community of Christ-followers, committed to prayer, following a dream, and
choosing to trust God through an exciting season of growth. A commitment
to faith, life, and learning, faith integration, student care, service, diversity,
and religious expression combine to form the essence of our
mission-driven community. Join us in celebrating Ten Years Online!


Dr. John Reynolds, PhD

Reflecting as the founding president of Los Angeles Pacific University (LAPU), it has been my privilege and honor to have led this amazing institution for 10 years, and to have served as the navigator for such amazing leaders this past decade.

What a God-thing this decade has been stretching back to 2010 when, with the Azusa Pacific University board, we began a vision of how to provide affordability and accessibility for the many who desired a Christian higher education experience, but just did not have a pathway to make this a reality.

President John Reynolds smiling
Statistical Highlights

Statistical Highlights

University Milestones

Technology Advancements

Over the last decade, LAPU has seen significant growth and innovation in the area of technology. As our IT and eLearning teams have grown, so have our investments in the tech that has helped us create a student experience like none other.

Information technology advancements

Informational Technology

  • July 2017: Introduced “Live Chat” into the majority of the student facing sites
  • Early 2019: LAPU begins to build independent technology infrastructure
  • March 2019: Implemented LAPU’s first SMS system
  • March-April 2020: Reconfigure our technical environment for a Hybrid
  • May 2020: Implemented Nelnet (Enterprise eBill system with Payment Plans)
  • Summer of 2020: LAPU’s technology infrastructure becomes fully independent from APU
  • May 2021: Implemented QAssign, a mass assignment tool that incorporates business logic and allows for auto-distribution of lead/student to staff relationships)
  • December 2021: Introduced Change Advisory Boards on enterprise technologies
  • June 1, 2022: Officially launched Slack as our Digital Officespace
  • Multiple Datacenter Migrations (3 in the past 7 years)
  • Workforce model (enabled secure remote access, remote support, remote onboarding & offboarding)
eLearning Advancements


  • Every year has led to discoveries in how to leverage our LMS softwarein new and exciting ways. We are now providing a fully mobile, onlinelearning experience that is engaging and easy to navigate.
  • We create massive amounts of learning media, have earned severalawards and accolades, including several OMNI Awards and Adobe eLearning Showcase Wins, and are currently growing a subscriber base on YouTube!
  • We now offer 20 programs, have designed over 270 courses, and launched a Professional Development platform called LAPUx offering professional badges and certificates.
  • We built and launched our own online bookstore with Akademos.
  • Several team members have been invited to speak and present at a variety of conferences and events including DevLearn, Adobe eLearning Unplugged, OLC Innovate, Ireland International Conference on Education, Falling Walls International Science Summit, and more…
  • The myLAPU mobile app was designed and implemented to provide our students with a way to engage with each other on-the-go. The app also provides students with access to important information and resources at their fingertips. The app now allows us to send push notifications for events and reminders…further improving the overall student experience.

Academic Advancements

LAPU’s emphases on affordabilityflexibility, and accessibility are reflected in its core operating principles and distance education modality.

  • Launched APOU
    Offered Associate of Arts and Bachelor of Arts in Management (now the BBA) programs.
  • Offered Additional Degrees
    Added a certificate, three associate degrees, and a bachelor’s degree in 2012.
  • Offered First Master’s Degree
    Began offering the first master’s degree in 2014. See program start dates table below for further information
  • Academic governance
    Was reorganized from discipline chairs and program coordinators to the current assistant dean model in July 2015.
  • Faith, Life and Learning Online PUBLICATION
    written by LAPU faculty and staff (published in April 2022), is important for publication and reputation, and also addresses the most common question asked by presidents of institutions: “How do you distribute information in an online environment?” Faith, Life and Learning Online shares ten years of experience working though different aspects of this.
  • Competency-based education (CBE) program
    Applied for permission to start a competency-based education (CBE) program. Permission was granted to start a CBE program in July, 2022 making LAPU the second university to be approved by WSCUC to offer a CBE degree. The approved CBE program is a MS in Instructional Design and Technology, with an anticipated launch date in January 2023. This gives us an opportunity to serve a whole new population of people.

Leadership and Staff

“One of the best memories, I have is the building of Community at LAPU…”

  • Peggy Campbell
  • Kurt Takamine
  • Nick Vandesteeg
  • Deana Porterfield
  • Jenna Talbot
Mike Wilday

Mike Wilday,
Manager of Learning Technology Solutions

Some of my fondest memories center around our time in the Citrus Edge building.


Dawn McCool

Dawn McCool,
Executive Assistant to President / CEO

These words, “For I know the plans I have for you, declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future” (Jeremiah 29:11)…


Callista Dawson

Callista Dawson,
Senior Instructional Media Designer

My earliest memory is from the APOU ribbon cutting ceremony.


Alex Mills

Alex Mills, Senior Instructional Designer

I have so many special memories here at LAPU. The most significant impactful memories were when my son Jeremiah…


Images of LAPU graduates

Student Stories

“Most of the private universities I looked into were just too expensive. I have tried community college before, but it was too hard to get into the classes I needed for my prerequisites and I did not want to waste time in classes I didn’t need. Finding LAPU was an answered prayer!”

—LAPU 2019 Student

Photo Memories

Monthly Random Acts of Kindness

  • September 2021 – Cleaning Up Our Communities
  • October 2021 – Cards of Appreciation to Our LAPU Veterans
  • November 2021 – Operation Christmas Child
  • December 2021 – Spreading Kindness Together by Giving
  • January 2022 – Writing Local Business Reviews
  • February 2022 – Blessing Bags for the Homeless
  • March 2022 – Kindness Rocks
  • April 2022 – Love Our Planet
  • May 2022 – Bless a Mom
  • June 2022 – Helping Hands
10 year celebration picnic

Family picnic

10th year Anniversary Family Picnic with food, drinks, dessert, and an afternoon full of fun!

Monthly Top Ten’s

  • September – Top Ten Tools for Online Learning
  • October – Top Ten LAPU Costumes
  • November – Top Ten Things LAPU Is Thankful For
  • December – Top Ten LAPU Christmas Memories
  • January –  Top Ten Student Goals for 2022
  • February – Top Ten Ways LAPU provides Hope
  • March – Top Ten Ways to Use the LAPU App
  • April –  Top Ten Ways to Maximize Your Time
  • May – Top Ten Benefits of having a LAPU Degree
  • June – Top Ten LAPU Degrees for the Lifelong Learner
Top 10 LAPU Degrees