Category: LAPU News

Black History Month: Theresa Key

My Personal Journey: A Passion for Learning & StorytellingAs a child, I was on the fast track to learning, fortunate to have an amazing teacher who nurtured my curiosity and creativity. I spent my days creating stop-motion and animated films, which sparked my passion for storytelling, leadership, and lifelong learning. My goal was always to…

Black History Month: Josh Thomas

Personal Journey & Education Can you share a bit about your background and what led you to pursue a career in education?Initially, I didn’t want a career in education; from an early age, I wanted to be an attorney. Then my junior year of college, I took an Intro to Education course, and it changed…

Black History Month: Amora Wood

Personal Journey & Education Can you share a bit about your background and what led you to pursue a career in education?I grew up as a military kid, so I experienced moving around to different schools often. One of the things I really appreciated during that time was my school counselors. They understood my lifestyle…

Op-Ed: A Legacy of Faith in Action – Brant Himes and His Journey with Dietrich Bonhoeffer

Los Angeles Pacific University (LAPU) Senior Lecturer, Dr. Brant Himes, has recently embarked on an inspiring project that introduces German theologian and anti-Nazi dissident Dietrich Bonhoeffer to today’s generation. Himes, whose in-depth understanding of Bonhoeffer’s faith and life informs his teaching, partnered with Angel Studios to create a 30-day devotional inspired by the new film…

LAPU is awarded a Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program grant

LAPU is pleased to announce that the Department of Education has awarded LAPU a Developing Hispanic-Serving Institutions (DHSI) Program grant, with a program start date of October 1, 2024. The grant provides $2.6 million of funding over the next five years to help close achievement gaps for underserved students at LAPU. This will be accomplished…

Growth in Faith and Leadership

Man Reading Bible

Outcomes Magazine, the online publication of the Christian Leadership Alliance, recently published another article by L.A. Pacific University president, Dr. John Reynolds. As part of his ongoing series about leadership, Dr. Reynolds reminds readers that growth, both personal and professional, is essential for every leader who desires to lead with excellence in an uncertain world….

LAPU’s Own – Gary Clifford – Named 2022 Glendora Citizen of the Year

It is with great pleasure that we announce that L.A. Pacific University Faculty Member,Gary Clifford, has been named the 2022 Glendora Citizen of the Year! Not only is Gary a dedicated member of the Glendora community, but he has also been a significant contributor to our LAPU community over the past seven years. Dr. Craig Brewer, a…

Los Angeles Pacific University announces the publishing of new book: Faith, Life, and Learning Online

Faith, Life and Learning Online Book Cover

Faith, Life, and Learning Online is an invitation for faith-based institutions to take bold steps toward integrating a holistic mission of spiritual formation into the online learning environment. For Christian higher education, faith integration is a matter of mission, not modality. Regardless of whether learning happens in the traditional classroom, through hybrid models, or exclusively…

L.A. Pacific University Joins the CCCU

LAPu building with CCCU logo

Los Angeles Pacific University (LAPU) has been approved as a new governing member of the Council for Christian Colleges & Universities (CCCU).  LAPU joins the almost 200 Christian institutions from around the world as part of the expansive network. “We are so honored and excited to be accepted as a new member of the CCCU,”…

L.A Pacific University Ranked Top 10 Among Military Friendly® Online Schools in U.S. for 2022-2023

American flag with Top 10 Military Friendly School logo

Los Angeles Pacific University​ (LAPU) announced today that it has once again been named a Top 10 Military Friendly​ ​School for 2022-2023, achieving a Top 10 ranking among online universities and vocational colleges. Institutions earning the Military Friendly® ​School designation were evaluated using both public data sources and responses from a proprietary survey. Over 1,200…