Bachelor of Science
Healthcare Administration (B.S.)
Understand the intricacies of healthcare systems and the regulatory environment.
Program Overview
A Bachelor of Science in Healthcare Administration will prepare students for leadership roles in one of the fastest-growing fields. With a comprehensive curriculum that covers essential aspects of healthcare management, policy, finance, and ethics, graduates will be well-equipped to drive improvements in healthcare delivery and organizational performance. As healthcare continues to evolve, the skills and knowledge gained from this program will enable graduates to make a significant impact on the quality and efficiency of healthcare services, ultimately contributing to better patient outcomes and a more effective healthcare system.
B.S. in Healthcare Administration Program Highlights
- Understand the intricacies of healthcare systems and the regulatory environment
- Apply principles of healthcare management to improve the efficiency and effectiveness of healthcare delivery
- Analyze healthcare data to drive decision-making and implement quality improvement initiatives
- Manage healthcare finances, including budgeting, reimbursement, and financial planning
- Lead and manage healthcare teams
- Ensure compliance with healthcare laws and ethical standards

Potential Careers
Graduates of the program are armed with the knowledge and practical skills needed to succeed in a variety of roles in related industries:
Hospital or Nursing Home Administrator
Health Planner
Healthcare Financial Manager
Clinic Manager
Health Policy Analyst
Insurance Claims Adjuster
Course Requirements
Students must complete the following degree components at LAPU or via applicable transfer credits.
See the catalog for more details.
General Education (28): see catalog for more details | 28 CREDITS |
ACCT 210 || Principles of Accounting | 3 CREDITS |
BUSN 250 || Business Communications | 3 CREDITS |
ECON 203 || Principles of Microeconomics | 3 CREDITS |
ECON 204 || Principles of Macroeconomics | 3 CREDITS |
STAT 280 || Applied Statistics | 3 CREDITS |
BUSN 395 || Project Management | 3 CREDITS |
HCAD 300 || Introduction to Healthcare Administration | 3 CREDITS |
HCAD 310 || Human Resource Management in Healthcare | 3 CREDITS |
HCAD 330 || Healthcare Information Systems | 3 CREDITS |
HCAD 340 || Healthcare Operations | 3 CREDITS |
HCAD 380 || Healthcare Marketing | 3 CREDITS |
HCAD 400 || Healthcare Policy and Economics | 3 CREDITS |
HCAD 420 || Healthcare Organizational Leadership & Management | 3 CREDITS |
HCAD 490 || BSHA Capstone | 3 CREDITS |
HMGT 300 || Healthcare Laws and Regulations | 3 CREDITS |
HMGT 320 || Healthcare Financial Management | 3 CREDITS |
HMGT 410 || Healthcare Ethics & Quality Control | 3 CREDITS |
Electives (41): choose 100-400 level courses from the catalog | 41 CREDITS |

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- (855) 527-2768
- admissions@lapu.edu