Level of Study: Bachelor's Degrees

Supply Chain Management
A solid foundation in supply chain management and logistics.
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Applied Psychology
Develop experiential and practical applications of psychology in government, business, and helping settings.
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Beautiful business woman gives presentation to her business partners
Developing practical leadership skills needed to lead a variety of organizations.
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Teacher helping a young female student how to write
An accelerated, combined teaching degree and California credential program designed for prospective K-8 teachers.
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Liberal Studies (Teacher Prep)
An accelerated teaching degree designed for prospective elementary school and special education teachers.
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The B.S. in Digital Marketing prepares students with the core skills and digital tools needed for a career in digital marketing.
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Business Administration (BBA)
Builds a solid foundation in business, economics, and accounting.
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Criminal Justice
Integrating professional knowledge and practical skills in criminal law and procedure, investigative processes, and law enforcement.
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Health Sciences
Builds a foundation in health management, science, and healthcare practices.
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Interdisciplinary Studies
A flexible, customizable degree that can be tailored to your specific career goals.
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