Catalog Archives
Below you’ll find links to the current year and previous years’ academic catalogs.
Current students, contact your success coach with questions about your individual catalog requirements.
Los Angeles Pacific University Catalogs
Undergraduate Catalog Archive
- 2019-2020 (Online)
- 2018-19 (PDF)
- 2017-181, (PDF)
- Spring 2017 (January) (PDF)
- Spring 2016 (January) (PDF)
- Spring 2015 (January) (PDF)
- Fall 2014 (September) (PDF)
- Summer 2014 (June) (PDF)
- Summer 2014 (May) (PDF)
- Spring 2014 (January) (PDF)
- Fall 2013 (August) (PDF)
- Summer 2013 (May) (PDF)
- Spring 2013 (March) (PDF)
- Spring 2013 (January) (PDF)
- Fall 2012 (September) (PDF)
- Summer 2012 (April) (PDF)
- Spring 2012 (January) (PDF)
- Fall 2011 (August) (PDF)
Graduate Catalog Archive
- 2019-2020 (Online)
- 2018-19 (PDF)
- 2017-181 (PDF)
- Spring 2017 (January) (PDF)
- Spring 2016 (January) (PDF)
- Spring 2015 (January) (PDF)
- Fall 2014 (September) (PDF)
For programs previously housed in the APU School of Adult and Professional Studies, please refer to APU’s Academic Catalog archive.
1The 2011-2014 catalogs list requirements in effect while Los Angeles Pacific University (LAPU) operated as Azusa Pacific Online University. The 2015-2018 catalogs list requirements in effect while LAPU operated as Azusa Pacific -University College. The 2018-2019 catalog lists requirements for the first year LAPU operated under its current name.