Grievance Process
The Accessibility Office at LAPU is committed to ensuring that all programs, services, and activities of the university are accessible and that accommodations are effective for individuals with disabilities. If you have concerns about access, about the Accessibility Office’s process or services, about the way your accommodations have been provided, or you feel that you have been discriminated against on the basis of disability, we encourage you to communicate your concern via the informal grievance process below. The purpose of this process is to serve as a vehicle for communication and decision-making through prescribed procedures between any individual and LAPU in order to facilitate the investigation and resolution of the concern in a timely manner. Please note that all employee-related disability inquiries or concerns should be directed to the LAPU Office of Human Resources at hr@lapu.edu.

Informal Process
Please begin by formally communicating your concern directly to the LAPU ADA/Section 504 Coordinator by emailing accessibility@lapu.edu or calling 626-495-2869. Concerns should be reported within 10 business days of the event which triggered the complaint. The ADA/Section 504 Coordinator will contact you by phone and email to discuss the concern with you, gather the necessary information, and work to resolve the concern within 10 business days of receiving formal communication of the concern. Timeliness is critically important in resolving these concerns promptly and effectively. Should your concern be about the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, you are encouraged to discuss the matter directly with the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, but this is not required. You may also initiate the formal grievance process below.
Formal Process
In the event that the informal process fails to resolve the concern or if you would like to address your concern without the involvement of the ADA/Section 504 Coordinator, a formal grievance may be filed. A formal grievance should be filed within 20 business days of the event which triggered the concern, or within seven business days of completing the informal process. To file a grievance, please provide the following details in writing and submit by email to the Director of Student Success at avpstudentsuccess@lapu.edu: the nature of the grievance, the evidence upon which it is based, the redress sought, and supporting documentation. At that time, a grievance committee will be formed by the Director of Student Success to investigate the concern. The investigation process will be completed within seven business days of receiving the filed grievance and the Director of Student Success will notify the complainant of the decision in writing. The Director of Student Success may also work with the parties involved to explore a mutually agreeable resolution of the concern and may dismiss the committee if a resolution is reached.
While we encourage that concerns of this nature are addressed through the internal LAPU process as detailed above, anyone has the right at any time to submit concerns directly to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.